Family, Friends and fellow-sinful souls (haha)!!
Is there something right now that you want but you just CAN'T have?? Of course!! Because we were all born with a sin nature! And then Mr. Adam and Miss Eve came along and started off our whole sin problem! (gotta love them huh!? haha)
Well.......we know the story of Adam and Eve, but have we/I really, really thought about it? The Lord said only ONE tree you can't eat from. BUT here are tooons of other trees you can choose from! And those trees weren't rotten b/c everything was perfect in the Garden of Eden before sin! BUT the evil, wicked serpent, Satan came along........and you know what he did?! HE MADE ADAM AND EVE FOCUS ON THAT ONE THING THEY COULDN'T HAVE!!! How stupid...they had all these wonderful trees.....but chose to fall into Satan's snare!
Satan knows what we each most struggle with and what we want but CAN'T HAVE! So since he knows all this....he's gonna do everything he possibly can to get us to focus on that 1 thing! Very subtly and decietfully, he says: Oh look at this....God isn't giving you it. And oh my goodness....that's when our focus gets wayyyyyyy off!! God says: I will supply ALL your needs, according to my riches and glory! And no good thing will I withhold from them who walk uprightly! What promises from such an amazing God!!!
So think of that ONE thing or maybe FEW things that God has chosen NOT to give to you. That is your FORBIDDEN FRUIT! BUT.......and it's a big BUT.........choose to focus on ALLLL that God HAS given you! GOOD FRUIT that you CAN have! For example stuff you can have or cultivate: Close walk with God, fruit of the spirit, contentment with what God has given you now, a testimony and witness at your job, focus on studies (when that comes again haha)!! The list could just go on and on of things that our GREAT, ALL-KNOWING God has blessed us with or wants us to accomplish!
So don't focus on that Forbidden Fruit.....choose to focus on all the Good Fruit that God has given you today!! Remember, He's "not in the business of handing out half-baked cookies" - from a book. He knows your needs and He def. knows what's BEST for us! I trust and pray this is an encouragement and help.
Sharing from friend of Eve