
In the next two weeks we will bring our series on the Life of Christ to a close.
As I looked back on the different subjects we touched on regarding Jesus' life I was greatly impressed with how little we covered.

Not that we haven't learned a lot, but in comparison to all the questions I still have it seems like we just began. Ah yes, and that's the point. We can never learn all there is to know about Jesus. I've been married to the same woman for 33 years and still learn new things about her. Surely, we will be learning more about Jesus throughout eternity.

Indeed, as I was reflecting on Jesus' purpose for coming to earth many more questions came to mind. Why didn't Jesus correct the social and political ills of the Jews and Romans? Slavery was everywhere. It was heartily embraced as a way of life. Yet, there was no moral outcry against a person owning another human as common property like he would a piece of furniture.

Why didn't Jesus abolish slavery or at least say something against it? Why didn't he fight poverty and injustice? Why didn't he campaign against the intolerance of the religionists and their blatant racism? Though corruption was rampant (even expected from tax collectors) why doesn't Jesus preach a sermon against it? Instead, we see him going to dinner and visiting with Zaccheus at his home!

I believe the answer is found in under-standing Jesus' mission on earth. Why did Jesus come here in the first place? Jesus believed that completing his God-given mission would solve all other problems. Do you believe fulfilling our Lord's commission will do the same? Are we about our Master's work? Have we gotten side-tracked on other issues that keep us from the “main thing”?

Thinking it over . . .

Why did Jesus come to earth? What one purpose did He come to fulfill?

How was Jesus' ministry focused on accomplishing his mission?

Read Mark 10:45; 1 John 4:9-10; Luke 4:19-19; Luke 19:10; John 10:10 and write up a Mission Statement you think would reflect Jesus' purpose for coming to earth.

What impact does Jesus' mission have on today's “hot issues” like poverty, racism, homosexuality, materialism, divorce and remarriage, and intolerance ... to name a few?

What is your mission? What should you be doing to make a difference in your world?

    創作者 groovyABC 的頭像

    Wayne's House 偉恩的家

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