We had small group meeting around Eli's office today.
It is another experience to have small group meeting in coffee ship.
Jesus' Disciples, are we Jesus' disciples...
It is not hard to be Jesus' disciple
The only thing we have to do is to open our heart to receive Jesus
It sounds hard to lot of people, that's ok, Jesus is waitting for us
forward to Christ
Words are looking at:
Luke 14:25-35 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2014:25-35&version=50)
Jesus' ministry began with the baptism of John the Baptist when he was “about 30 years of age.” Of the thousands of followers twelve were chosen, “called out,” and called “the twelve.” These were the inner circle of disciples. After Jesus' resurrection 120 disciples gathered in Jerusalem to pray and await the empowering of God's Holy Spirit. In three years of ministry Jesus' disciples multiplied a factor of 10—not bad. Within a matter of months after Pentecost (Acts 2) thousands became disciples. Luke tells us the disciples were first called “Christians” in Antioch. Later the word “disciple” is dropped in favor of “brother.” Believers, disciples, brothers, and Christians continued to multiply filling Jerusalem “with the teaching of Jesus” until fierce persecution scattered them abroad preaching the gospel, baptizing converts, making disciples, and forming assemblies. Was it the crowd that did this? Jesus realized crowds, large followings, or popular movements are fickle. They do not have commitment, dedication, or devotion. Jesus sought disciples who would willingly meet the requirements of following him. Look again at Jesus' standards for discipleship. There were hundreds of followers who sought Jesus because he healed them, fed them, and gave them hope of a good future by and by, just like many Christians today! However, a few became disciples totally devoted and dedicated to Jesus and these few changed the world. Looking at this passage one might easily wonder who can truly be one of his disciples. Are you a disciple of Jesus or a follower? Few of the prayer requests: and we still have small group next week
Pete and Jack's dad has cancer, please pray for their dad on physical and heart; please let Jesus opens his heart
Eli's work in manage, let God give her the winsdon in the work
Elsa's carrier in forward, let God leads her
Justin in Hong Kong, please give him a save trip
Pasotr Homer's shoulder, heal and give him strengh
Wayne, the work depress, give the strengh from God
Jesus's Disciple II