
What is it we really want out of life? Most people would say some amount of comfort and success. No one would say they are seeking to suffer or fail.
Isn't it odd that success almost always requires suffering to some degree and being a failure is often connected to the love of comfort? Yet, we all strive to maximize the easy life and minimize any discomfort and pain. Throughout history philosophers and theologians have discussed and pondered why humans suffer and how can it be overcome.

One of the favorite ploys of politicians and religionists is to offer solutions to poverty and suffering that will usher in a future utopia. In his book The Merits of Suffering author Heili Lee writes, “there is great merit in going through Christian suffering, we need not be afraid of it. Those who have learned the secret of embracing suffering and living with it will find great joy and spiritual satisfaction.”

As we look at the life of Jesus suffering was such an integral part of his existence. Imagine what it meant for the Creator of the universe to limit himself to human flesh and the pains and weaknesses that are part of humanity. And if that wasn't enough he suffered a most painful death taking into his sinless being the sin of the whole world. On top of that he suffered the deep hurt of rejection and loneliness when his Father turned his face from him. Jesus knows about suffering.

Yet, we who call ourselves followers of Jesus know so little about it and go to great lengths to avoid suffering. Look again at Jesus. Let his life teach us that suffering can be beneficial!

Thinking it over . . .
How was Jesus' life difficult? What were some of the things he suffered for being Jesus?

Who were Jesus' fiercest critics? Is it hard when those whom you think should be with you are against you?How?

Describe the crucifixion scene. In addition to the pain how did Jesus suffer shame?

What did Jesus' crucifixion mean from God's point of view?

Read Luke 24:25-27. Why did Jesus have to suffer these things? How has Jesus' suffering benefited you?

Read Romans 8:28 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. What should your response be to suffering?

Scripture Reading
John 19:17-30


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