“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry” (James 1:19)
Are you a good listener? What do we have to do to be a good leader?
Good leaders are good listeners
are you a leader?
how are you listening to your members?
if you are member
what do you want to listen from your leader?
Listening sounds a easy job to do
what are you thinking or doing when you listen to others???
Studies have shown that there are four basic styles of listening:
1. THE JUDGMENTAL LISTENER – This person already has his mind made up and does not want to be confused by the facts. He is critical, negative, and prejudiced. Studies have shown that 17 percent of the population falls into this category.
2. THE INTERROGATIVE LISTENER – This person thinks that good listening consists of continuously firing a series of questions at the person who is speaking. Questions are important to conversation, but interrupting with questions gets old very quickly. According to research, 26 percent of all people use this approach.
3. THE ADVICE-GIVING LISTENER – More people (35 percent) are in this category. They listen only long enough to make a quick assessment, and then they move toward what they really want to do – offer unsolicited advice. They do not really listen. They are not concentrating on everything you are saying; they hear only enough for them to respond.
4. THE EMPATHETIC LISTENER – This style is used by only 22 percent of the population, but it is by far the most effective. You listen to capture the feeling of the person you are listening to, not just the content of their words. You pay attention to tone, facial expressions and body language – the non-verbal signs. Try listening with your eyes this week, not just your ears. You might learn something new.
In look at the four basic styles of listeners, into which category do you think you fit the best? Are you satisfied with your listening style? If not, what might you do to change categories and enhance your own leadership capabilities?
NOTE: If you have a Bible, consider these other passages that deal with this topic:
Proverbs 10:8, 10:19, 11:12, 12:23, 15:23, 17:27-28, 20:12, 25:11-12, 15; Acts 28:26-27