
I am very glad that Eli, Anita and Mark is coming to our small group meeting tonight
we had meeting in Starbucks (Justin and Homer was not at home)

I am very hapy that Anita and Mark, they are coming to our meeting very first time
I shared the testimory of Mr. Mary Homer this Sunday
It was a great testimory and we all thank God that gives us a very good life
to know more about the testimory, see my darily of 5/3

thank Anita, Mark and Eil came today
pray for them about the work, God's way and health
and pray for me in the work and church as well
and if you have any requests, please leave messages here
pray for Justin and Pastor Homer

next week
Pastor Homer is coming back to have Bible study with us
5/15 8:00pm in Justinbourg
if you like to come and don't know how
please call this number 0980102003
my name is Wayne (if you don't know)

have a good week and month

God Bless all of us

    創作者 groovyABC 的頭像

    Wayne's House 偉恩的家

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