
Sometimes only two brothers or sisters are meeting, we can discuss more
tonight only Mark and I were in the small group but we had great sharing

Why do we have to go to church on Sunday?
Can I worship to God by myself?
of course we can worship by ourself to God and do not have to be on Sunday
but what God wants us to do in the church is not only worship to Him...

Church is the body of Christ
we are in the body of Christ

Why Church?
Hebrews 10:19-25

Maybe be you have one, or had one, or were one—a child that constantly asks, “Why?” to everything you say, or do, or tell them to do. I have had six of them who tried my patience and intelligence with one three-letter word followed by a question mark. Sometimes wearied from hearing “the word” I struggled to find ways to get away from it, but to no avail. Instead, I diligently tried to give a good answer to every pesky inquiry.

I had this idea that one day someone would ask my child, “Why?” and their reply would be, “Ask my daddy. He knows everything!” You would think after enduring that word for 20 some years I would be less likely to use it myself. However, that is not the case. In fact, I sometimes think I don't use it enough, especially regarding the mundane that daily passes us by without a hint of curiosity. For example, why do we come to church? Why do we meet on Sundays?

Why do we sing, pray, have a sermon, drink some coffee and then go home only to come back again next week? For many, that's all “church” is and so ask, “Why bother?” That's a good question! Why bother to make the effort every Sunday to come to church? Can't you be just as good a Christian and enjoy a late breakfast and read the paper on Sunday?

Or, take the family to the beach for some fun together? Isn't that just as important? Does God require that I go to church to be a follower? Why? Let's put that three letter word to our Father in heaven and see what his answer is...


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