
What a great place.....
today we had meeting in the new place of Grace Church
the feeling is great

Doreen is a sister is our church and very glad she came to our group meeting for the very first time
we visited our new place first
we all feel it is hugh
thank God for giving us this great place to meet
but we can not just enjoying this, we have to do God's work in this area
oh forget to tell friends where is our church
the address is 明德路161號B2 in the same building with Welcome supermarket(they are in B1)

we had a great discuss of:
“The Blessed Domino Effect of Grace in the Kingdom of Heaven”

Words: Matthew 5:3-16

The first written reference to salt is found in the Book of Job, recorded about 2,250 BC. The most famous reference is when Lot's wife is turned into a pillar of salt. Jesus also uses salt as an illustration when he says, “You are the salt of the earth.” He is referring to the characteristics we will exhibit as his followers on earth.

In many cultures salt plays a vital part in religious ritual, symbolizing purity. Did you know in old Japanese theaters, salt was sprinkled on the stage before each performance to prevent evil spirits from casting a spell on the actors? A similar practice of sprinkling salt continues in sumo wrestling pre-fight ceremonies. Salt was also used as currency.

Ethiopia, for example, used one pound salt bars as their standard currency. In ancient Greece slaves were traded for salt, hence the phrase: “Not worth his salt” which means “not worth the price.” Maybe Christ meant we were to permeate the world like salt permeates the body. Did you know every cell in your body contains salt? An adult human body contains about 250 grams of salt to maintain the normal volume of blood and digest food.

For human consumption good quality sea salt contains essential minerals for the body such as magnesium. Because the chemical industry needs pure sodium and chloride, vital magnesium is taken out to make it flow smoother making it suitable for the chemical market. Natural ocean salt alone possesses the power to restore wholeness to human internal body fluids. Salt is critical to life. Is your life critical to the health of this world?

What do you think of your life?
What's different when Jesus goes into your heart and life?
What are we doing now?


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