
Our annual Bi-lingual Summer Camp this past week was a lot of fun. The attendance this year was low, but the enthusiasm was high.
Six young people placed their trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior. One called up Pastor Dan Freeman late on Wednesday night to say he prayed in his room for salvation and wondered if God heard his prayer! Eleven campers made commitments to make a difference in their world by serving God. One of the highlights was learning how to do simple sign language and then meeting four students from the deaf school.


At first they were reluctant to visit camp because they were afraid of being too much trouble and it would be too difficult to communicate. I was deeply moved to see how the young people flocked around the deaf students, not as a novelty, but genuinely making the effort to communicate their love for them. We gave each of the students a bracelet woven by the campers which had the five colors of salvation embedded in the weaving.


I left this camp feeling like we met our goal: “Make a Difference.” We wanted to get across the message that life isn't just about us, it’s about making a difference in another person's life by serving and helping them. Eight young people from Grace Christian Church attended and one received Christ as her Savior. Give God all the praise!


Thinking it over . . .

Continued from last week...

Three questions for discussion on this passage in addition to other questions or comments you may think of...

In John 1:35-37 who does John the Baptist point his disciples to? What is the job of every believer?

What are you looking for in Jesus? (John 1:38-39)

People come to Jesus for many reasons. “What do you seek?”

What are you doing? (John 1:40-42) The Jewish people had waited thousands of years for their Messiah. Now he is here! What are you doing now that you have found the Messiah?

    創作者 groovyABC 的頭像

    Wayne's House 偉恩的家

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